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Regular activities of the Association include the work of its governing and professional bodies, publishing of the Newsletter and maintainance of its web site, and proposing library legislature. It also entails publishing of translations of international library standards and guidelines.

The Head Board, Executive Board, and Supervisory Board are the governing bodies of the Association. Constitution prescribes that the meetings of the Head Board should be held as the need arises, and at least twice a year. Executive Board shall hold its meetings at least four times a year. However, in practice governing bodies meet more often than it is prescribed.

Professional ativities of the Association are carried out through the activities of its 6 sections, 26 committees and 6 working groups. These professional bodies meet for discussion on specific topics as needed. However, the Constitution stipulates they should meet at least twice a year.

As a part of its regular activities, the Association has been publishing its Newsletter (ISSN 1331-808X), three to four times a year, since1994. All CLA members are entitled to a free copy of the Newsletter. Furthermore, e-version of the Newsletter is available at the Association's website.

In order to make the activities of the Association public, the Association's website has been developed and is regularly maintained. The Editorial Board of the Association's web site shall meet as necessary.

The Association is the leading publisher of library related literature in Croatia. It also publishes translations of international standards and guidelines which aid Croatia's librarians in their daily work and also encourage development of Croatian libraries in line with European and world standards.

The administrative work of all bodies of the Association shall be performed by the Secreatary. Secretary shall also coordiante activities and obligations of the Association toward its members, authorized ministries, library associations and library institutions.
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