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HKD  //  About us  //  Mission

The work of all officers, associates and members of the Association shall be on voluntary basis. The Association is a member of the international librarians' associations.

The Association shall devote its activities to further its purpose of protection and development of the profession of librarianship. Its activities shall be:

  • to promote and further the profession of librarianship and provide it with an adequate presentation in the public,
  • to publish journals and other professional literature, and organize professional meetings,
  • to participate in the creation of library legislation,
  • to advocate the professional integrity of library professionals,
  • to encourage the foundation and development of all types of libraries,
  • to ensure the free flow of information and provide all citizens with free and equal acces to library materials and information,
  • to advocate the right of all library users to free and equitable access to collections and information,
  • to promote the general literacy,
  • to promote public awareness of the need to preserve the cultural heritage and to take part in its protection.
All membership in the Association shall be voluntary. Membership of the Association shall consist of individual members and corporate members. Membership of the Association shall comprise the following categories: regular members, honorary members, associate members and supporting members.
  • Any individual library professional or a library association registered as corporate body, and with headquarters in the Republic of Croatia may become a regular member of the Association.
  • Any individual, who wishes to become a member of the Association may not, at the same time, be a member of an association which is already a regular member of the Association.
  • All individuals holding regular membership in the Association shall form a Librarians' Club.
  • Any individual or a corporate body, both from Croatia and abroad, who contributed to the advancement of libraries and library profession, may become an honorary member of the Association.
  • Any individual or a corporate body, not actively engaged in library work, but who can contribute to the advancement of library profession, either in terms of their knowledge or experience, may become an associate member of the Association.
  • Any individual or a corporate body, both from Croatia and abroad, supporting the Association's activities, either morally or financially, may become a supporting member of the Association.
Honorary, associate and supporting members may take part in the activities of the Association, according to the provisions of the Constitution, but may not be elected to the Association's governing bodies.
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