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HKD  //  Seminars and conferences  //  Seminars and conferences in Croatia  //  12th Round Table on Mobile Libraries in Croatia and 6th Festival of Croatian Mobile Libraries
12th Round Table on Mobile Libraries in Croatia and 6th Festival of Croatian Mobile Libraries

Location: Bjelovar, Narodna knjižnica „Petar Preradović“ Bjelovar 17.04.2015 -
Organiser: Komisija za pokretne knjižnice i Komisija za narodne knjižnice HKD-a
Suorganizatori: Narodna knjižnica „Petar Preradović“ Bjelovar i i Društvo knjižničara Bilogore, Podravine i Kalničkog prigorja

Venue: Public Library „Petar Preradović“ Bjelovar, April 17th 2015, Bjelovar, Croatia

Organizer: Croatian Library Association's Committee for a mobile libraries and the Commission for Public Libraries

Co-organizers: Public Library „Petar Preradović“ Bjelovar and Librarian Society of Bilogora, Drava and Kalnik Region

The name of the round table: „Bibliobus is coming! Mobile libraries as a part of the library network!“



  • to maintain the continuity of professional meetings and presentation of mobile libraries in Croatia in order to improve their work and promote their services in public,
  • to provide specialized training for librarians on the topic of mobile libraries and exchange of experiences among employees in mobile libraries,
  • to popularize the activities of mobile libraries and encourage the development of existing services and establishment and developement of new services in counties that do not have them,
  • to use international experiences and to establish partnerships
  • to present Croatian mobile libraries to the public and the participants and to promote activities and objectives of not only mobile libraries but public libraries in general, through mobile library festival as media attraction.

Mode: invited presentations and poster presentations (all Croatian mobile library services), debates, exhibitions and tour of mobile libraries, supporting program

Participation fee: 100,00 kn (includes: handouts, refreshments, certificate of participation)
Invited lecturers, mobile library drivers and members of the Program and Organizing Committee are exempt from paying the participation fee.

Application form

Institution address:
Postal code
Contact tel/mob
Way of participation:  

mobile library driver
member of  the Program and Organizing Comitee

Participation fee: 100,00 kn (includes: handouts, refreshments, certificate of participation)

Invited lecturers, mobile library drivers and members of the Program and Organizing Committee are exempt from paying the participation fee.

Registration fee
„Petar Preradović“ Public Library Bjelovar
IBAN: HR2524020061100000336
Purpose: first name and surname – participation  fee for the 12th Round Table on Mobile Libraries

The deadline for submission of applications and for the payment of participation fee is April 3th, 2015.

Accommodation options in Bjelova

Hotel Central Bjelovar – Vatroslava Lisinskog 2, 43000 Bjelovar www.turist.hr
Bed & breakfast in a single room costs 301,00 HRK, and in a double room 562,00 HRK.

The Hotel approves a 10% discount for guests of 12th Round Table – the booking should state that you are The Round Table participant

Booking deadline: 15th April 2015

The Hotel has its own parking lot, where 5 bookmobiles and more than 20 cars can be parked.

The parking is free for all hotel guests. The parking lot is secured and monitored.

Contact person: Josip Lamot, Managing Director

E-mail: turist@turist.hr
Telephone – Reception: +385 43 243 133
Mob: 091/ 1243 133

The instructions for arrival and parking of mobile libraries at Eugen Kvaternik Square will be sent to the e-mail addresses of participating mobile libraries.

More information available at http://www.knjiznica-bjelovar.hr/ or http://hkdrustvo.hr/en/skupovi/.


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