A MOBILE LIBRARY IN THE SERVICE OF PROMOTING THE CULTURE OF READING, 16th round table on mobile libraries in the Republic of Croatia and the 10th festival of Croatian Bookmobiles, with international participation
Location: Split 26.05.2023 - 27.05.2023
The Croatian Library Association - the Commission for Mobile Libraries and the Commission for Public Libraries with the Librarians' Association in Split and the Marko Marulić City Library Split, as host, organizes the 16th Round Table on Mobile Libraries in Croatia and the 10th Festival of Croatian Bookmobiles called A Mobile library in the service of promoting a reading culture which will be on Friday and Saturday, May 26 and 27, 2023 in Split. Content of the Meeting: • Friday, May 26, 2023: 10th Festival of Croatian Bookmobiles • Saturday, May 27, 2023: 16th Round Table on Mobile libraries in Croatia Organizer: Croatian Library Association - Commission for Mobile Libraries and Commission for Public Libraries Co-organizers: Marko Marulić City Library Split and Librarians' Association in Split Host: Marko Marulić Split City Library Registration
Name of the Round table: MOBILE LIBRARY IN THE SERVICE OF PROMOTING READING CULTURE OBJECTIVES OF THE ROUND TABLE: - solemnly mark the establishment of the new Mobile service in Split through the EU project "Za dobre vibre čitaj libre" - to maintain the continuity of professional gatherings and presentations of mobile library services in Croatia in order to improve their work and promote it to the public - enable specialized professional training of librarians on the subject of mobile libraries and the exchange of experiences among employees of mobile services - popularize the activity of mobile libraries and encourage the development of existing ones, as well as the establishment of new services in counties that do not yet have them - use international experiences and establish partnerships - present programs and activities aimed at promoting reading culture, development of pre-reading skills, media literacy, and lifelong learning - to present Croatian bibliobuses to the public and participants of the Round Table, and through the Bookmobile festival as a kind of media attraction, to promote the activities and tasks of not only mobile libraries but also public libraries as a whole. Method of work: invited presentations, registered presentations, poster presentations, discussion, viewing of the bibliobus and accompanying program Language of the meeting: Croatian and English
Members of the Program Committee: Nika Čabrić, Iva Grković, Ante Ledenko, Klaudija Mandić, Grozdana Ribičić, Jasenka Pleško, Maja Stazić and Ljiljana Vugrinec. Members of the Organizing Committee: Hanja Anić, Iva Grković, Klaudija Mandić, Maruška Nardelli, Lucrezia Odrljin, Sara Semenski, Renata Vojvodić and Vladimir Vranješević. Preliminary Programme (link) Participation is subject to registration and registration fee. Registration of all participants is mandatory for participation. Deadline for registration: May 10, 2023.
Registration fee in the amount of €20.00 (euro) includes: work materials, refreshments, certificate of participation on the 16th Round Table on Mobile Libraries in Croatia and the 10th Festival of Croatian Bookmobiles. Drivers of the bibliobus are exempt from the registration fee with the mandatory registration of participation via the form (the driver's name must be indicated along with the last name). Registration fee payment deadline: May 15, 2023.
Payment details: Payments from Croatia IBAN: HR3423600001101451830 When paying the registration fee, please indicate: Surname, first name; pokretna knjižnica. After receiving the payment, HKD will issue an invoice. If you are obliged to pay by invoice or proforma invoice, please contact the CLA office (hkd@hkdrustvo.hr, +385 91 604 7214). International payments Bank: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, Zagreb, Croatia IBAN: HR3423600001101451830 SWIFT CODE: ZABAHR2X Outside EU Bank fee is fully covered by the payer. The deadline for early registration fee is April 21, 2023.
Place and time of the 10th Festival of Croatian Bookmobiles and 16th Round Table on Mobile Libraries in Croatia 10th Festival of Croatian Bookmobiles - Friday, May 26, 2023: bibliobuses will be parked at Poljud Stadium, 8th Mediterranean Games 2 16th Round Table on Mobile Libraries in Croatia - Saturday, May 27, 2023: 16th Round Table on Mobile Library called “A Mobile library in the service of promoting a reading culture” will be held in the Marko Marulić City Library Split, Ulica slobode 2, 21000 Split. Place of poster display: posters will be displayed in the hall of the Marko Marulić City Library Split, Ulica slobode 2, 21000 Split. Note: Parking is provided for Bibliobuses at Ul. Ivana pl. Zajca (extreme northern traffic lane, near the Radisson Blu hotel). Instructions to authors of presentations and posters: The text of the abstract should contain up to 250 words. Authors are requested to provide translations of their abstracts, including author information, in English. Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 28, 2023, via the PRESENTATION application form and POSTER PRESENTATION. Received summaries of the submitted presentations will be reviewed by the members of the Program Committee of the Round Table, and the notification of the accepted presentation will be delivered to the authors by e-mail by March 15, 2023. Notes to authors of presentations and posters 1. Accepted presentations should be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation lasting
• 10 minutes for reported presentations and • 20 minutes for invited presentations. Powerpoint presentations of the presentation should be sent to pokretne.knjiznice@gmail.com by May 20, 2023. 2. Presentation on posters: • recommended poster dimensions max. 70 x 100 cm. • the poster should state the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author, the library, and the location.
Authors should bring printed posters to the Meeting and display them. Accommodation in Split should be booked by each participant. INSTRUCTIONS with maps for the arrival and parking of the bibliobus for the Festival will be sent to the e-mail addresses of the mobile services after the announcement of the second notification.
Accommodation in Split should be booked by each participant. Recommendations for accommodation in Split: Hotel Zagreb: https://hotelzagreb-split.hr/, Put Duilova 23, 21000 Split, hotel.zagreb@pleter-usluge.hr. Hotel Jadran: http://hoteljadran.eu/, Sustipanski put 23, 21000 Split, reception@hoteljadran.eu. Hotel As: https://hotelas-split.com/, Kopilica ul. 8A, 21000 Split, info@hotelas-split.com. Hotel Atrium: www.safirhoteli.hr, Ulica Domovinskog rata 49, 21000 Split, infoatrium@safirhoteli.hr. Hotel Amphora: www.safirhoteli.hr, Šetalište Ivana Pavla II 51, 21000 Split, infoamphora@safirhoteli.hr. Hotel Globo: https://hotelglobo.com/hr/, Lovretska ul. 18, 21000 Split, info@hotelglobo.com. Hotel President: https://hotelpresident.hr/hr/, Ulica Ante Starčevića 1, 21000 Split, sales@hotelpresident.hr. Hotel Marul: https://www.hotelmarul.hr/, Ćirila i Metoda 7, 21000 Split, info@hotelmarul.hr. More information at https://www.hkdrustvo.hr/ and https://www.gkmm.hr/.
More information at https://www.hkdrustvo.hr/ and https://www.gkmm.hr/. Contact persons: Maja Stazić, e-mail: mstazic@gkmm.hr Hanja Anić, e-mail: hanic@gkmm.hr Klaudija Mandić, e-mail: klaudija.ladan@gmail.com Vedran Bužančić, administrative secretary of HKD, e-mail: hkd@hkdrustvo.hr
Maps of the City of Split 1. Entering Split from Solinski rotor along Zborna narodne garda street - right into Domovinsko rata street, right into Hrvatske Mornarice street and straight into Sedam Kaštela street, where you enter the stadium next to the driving school training ground 
2. Stadium 
3. Parking for mobile libraries 
4. Overview of all locations of the Festival and the Round Table 
1. Poljud Stadium 2. Parking for mobile libraries 3. Stari moranr restaurant 4. City Library Marko Marulić Split