naslovnica Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo

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Poruke podrške hrvatskoj knjižničarskoj zajednici (30.12.2020)

IFLA CPDWL SC members sending love to all our colleagues in Croatia

At the conclusion of the CPDWL Satellite Conference hosted in Zagreb by colleagues in the Croatian Library Association and the National and University Library in Zagreb and attended by so many people in the LIS community, we received a beautiful gift of Croatian folk art as a commemoration of our wonderful collaboration.

We’re sharing this back with you today, to let you know that you and all our friends in Croatia are in our thoughts at this difficult time. May you all remain safe and sound over the coming days.

Best wishes from your international friends across the world,

Dr Gillian Hallam FALIA PFHEA
Co-Chair, IFLA Section for Continuing Professional Development
and Workplace Learning (CPDWL)


Solidarity from Loida Garcia-Febo

I'm sending light and power to our colleagues in Croatia. Prayers for a swift and complete recovery from the earthquakes.
Puerto Rico has experienced earthquakes this past year and I know how scary they can be.

Strength, light and peace.

In solidarity,

Loida Garcia-Febo
International Library Consultant
News about my work:
Loida Garcia-Febo – International Librarian
Member of ACURIL in the Caribbean!
American Library Association President 2018-2019
Chair, ALA 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Task Force
Chair, ALA Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL)
IFLA Management of Library Associations Section, Information Coordinator
IFLA New Professionals Co-Founder, Advisor
Founder, New Librarians Global Connections online series
IFLA Governing Board Member 2013-2017

Zahvaljujemo i prenosimo poruke podrške upućene hrvatskoj knjižničarskoj zajednici te svima u Hrvatskoj koji su pogođeni potresom!