Digitization of audio-visual material
(published: 18.01.2010)
Zagreb City Libraries, City Library is organizing a one day roundtable Digitization of audio-visual material - from barriers to new possibilities on January 29, 2010.
National and University Library in Zagreb Award for 2009
(published: 21.12.2009)
National and University Library (NUL) in Zagreb is opening a call for National and University Library in Zagreb Award for 2009. The results will be known on February 22, 2010 when the Day of NUL will be celebrated..
Croatian Librarians Herald
(published: 20.12.2009)
Two new thematic issues of Croatian Librarians Herald are under preparation. Submissions are welcomed focussing on two broad topics: acquisition and digitization in libraries. Deadline is end March.
Ivan Filipović Award
(published: 18.12.2009)
Ivan Filipović Award for 2009 for the professional and scientific contribution to librarianship and educational work with users of university library has been awarded to Lea Lazzarich from University Library in Rijeka. Congratulations!
Proceedings of 7th and 8th roundtable on free access to information
(published: 10.12.2009)
Proceedings of 7th and 8th roundtable on free access to information will be presented on December 10, 2010 in Zagreb City Libraries.
New CLA publication
(published: 25.11.2009)
Proceedings of the 12th seminar Archives, libraries and museums: possibilities of collaboration in the context of global information infrastructure has been published. It can be ordered online from CLA website.
Recommendations for organization of local history collections
(published: 23.11.2009)
CLA Committee for local history collections has drafted Recommendations for organization of local history collections in public libraries and other libraries/instituions collectiong local history material.
Public libraries for present and future
(published: 23.11.2009)
Proceedings of the 5th conference for public libraries in Croatia entitled Public libraries for present and future: concepts, architecture and technology will be presented on November 25, 2009 at National and University Library in Zagreb.
13th Seminar Archives, Libraries, Museums
(published: 23.11.2009)
13th seminar Archives, Libraries, Museums - "Return to Future: Revenge of Standards!" will be held 25-27 November 2009 in Rovinj, in hotel Eden. You can register online. All information about the seminar can be found at http://public.carnet.hr/akm
New CLA publication
(published: 15.11.2009)
CLA has published translation of IFLA Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and the elderly and disabled in long-term care facilities. Publication can be ordered online.