naslovnica Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo

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British Library Integrated Catalogue

COBISS (Co-operative Online Bibliographic Systems and Services) is a reference model of a system representing the platform for the national library information systems of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, which are interconnected in the COBISS.Net regional network. Bulgaria, Albania and Kosovo are preparing for the implementation of the COBISS system.


Multi-lingual online collection of millions of digitized items from European museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections.

Gallica - digital library of France
Open acces digital library offers large number of digitized manuscripts, books, periodicals and documents.

KVK - Karsluhe Virtual Catalog

Library of Congress Online Catalogue

OBV - Österreichischer Bibliothekenverbund Gesamtkatalog

Austrian union catalogue of serials

Ohio LINK Central Catalog



a global catalog of library collections

ZDB - Zeitschriftendatenbank