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HKD  //  Obavijesti  //  Program e-učenja "Pathways to Information Leadership"
Program e-učenja "Pathways to Information Leadership" (11.03.2014)

Tri važne ustanove Aberystwyth University, ASLIB i Emerald razvile su i distribuiraju akreditinani program e-učenja pod nazivom Pathways to Information Leadership. Program se sastoji od 30 modula i pokriva šest ključnih područja informacijskog menađmenta. Ovisno o završenim modulima moguće je steći različite stručne stupnjeve. Sukladno odabranom stupnju razlikuju se cijene, a članovima HKD-a odobrava se popust.

Pathways to Information Leadership provides a flexible, accredited eLearning programme developed and delivered by Aberystwyth University, ASLIB and Emerald (three key providers in information management services, learning and research) to help information professionals working  in all sectors and regions to develop the requisite skills in leadership, creative thinking and information management issues to perform successfully in the digital environment. The programme incorporates the latest thinking and research on “traditional” aspects of library and information management in which Information Leaders must be proficient, along with wider areas of expertise.

Different and Flexible
As busy professionals find it increasingly difficult to devote time to formal learning and qualifications Pathways to Information Leadership courses are designed to help. Delivered via an easy-to-use learning platform accessed from desktop or mobile device; with continuous enrolment, learners can set their own self-paced curriculum and choose a configuration of courses, that best match their needs and those of their organisation. This flexible approach to learning also delivers the benefit and support of a formal university accreditation process and qualification which can ultimately lead to  a Master’s Degree in Information Leadership.

To assist Students with their study they receive;
· Access and support from a dedicated course leader
· Access to the online collections of Aberystwyth University Library/carefully selected key reading from Emerald’s extensive portfolio of information and  management research
· Academic study skills guides
· Technical and customer help desk
· Learning dashboards to track individual and organization progress

In total there are just over 30 modules that cover six key aspects of information management;
1. Digital Information Collection Development and Curation
2. Digital Information Governance, Rights and Ethics
3. Digital Information Structures
4. Information Asset Protection and Assurance
5. Resources and Risks in the Digital Environment
6. Strategic Information Leadership

Visit www.infoleader.org to browse courses

The courses are fully accredited by Aberystwyth University. Students can choose to complete courses using online assessment tools and receive a Certificate of Professional Development or take a formal assessment by expert faculty at Aberystwyth University to achieve 5 Master’s-level credits.

These credits form the building-blocks for:
· Postgraduate Certificate in Information Leadership: 12 courses from 3 subject areas = 60 credits
· Diploma: 24 courses from 6 subject areas = 120 credits
· Master of Science in Information Leadership: 24 courses from 6 subject areas + dissertation = 180 credits

Credits are transferable to other relevant courses with the EU through the Bologna Process.

Each course can be purchased by individuals or by groups on behalf of others. Each learner or group can choose the mix and number of courses which best suits their need, and spread the cost so unlike traditional face-to-face Diploma and Master’s programmes, there is no need to take time out from work and family, or pay high university fees.

Pricing Models for your Organisation
In terms of pricing models for your organisation we have a very flexible approach to best suits your needs and objectives and this is something that I hope we can discuss in more detail; below are a couple of options for you to consider.
1. Promote the courses to your members through email and online marketing and receive a commission for every course purchased by your members who will also benefit from a special Association discount. This is an excellent way to not only save your members money, but also generate some income for the Association without any financial outlay.

2. Buy a block of courses for a discounted rate and then act as a reseller of the courses to your members. The % of discount we offer depends on the amount of courses you buy. With this option, and for a small fee (waived if the value of your purchase is more than £50,000) we can create a cloned version of Pathways to Information Leadership branded to your Association so that members studying within this environment will effectively never leave the Association website. The other benefit of this approach is that you can then market the courses as the Associations under license to Emerald.

If you follow this link https://pathways.infoleader.org/packages/rig_rrpsdemo/rig_rrpsdemo.htm it will take you through an automated demo of one of the modules so you can see how well designed and easy it is to use. I would also be very happy to arrange a convenient time to provide you with a more in-depth personal demo; or if you prefer I can give you complimentary access to a module so that you can play with it at your leisure.

I look forward to your feedback from today’s meeting and also from your board meeting on the 21st. In the meantime if you have any questions please let me know.
Kind regards

Laurence Zipson
Sales Director
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 528881
Fax: +44 (0) 1235 888021
Mbl: +44 (0) 7804 092795
Email: laurence@lzconsult.com

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