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HKD  //  Obavijesti  //  IFLA provodi istraživanje o ulozi knjižnica u sigurnosti interneta
IFLA provodi istraživanje o ulozi knjižnica u sigurnosti interneta (10.02.2021)

Povodom Dana sigurnijeg interneta, IFLA-ina Sekcija za dječje knjižnice i knjižnice za mladež sastavila je anketu kojoj je cilj saznati što knjižničari diljem svijeta čine kako bi internet bio sigurnije mjesto za djecu i mladež.

Sudjelujte u istraživanju i ispunite anketu: https://kent.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ac3f02mtbS5og2W

In conjunction with Safer Internet Day, February 9, 2021, IFLA's Section on Children & Young Adults' Safer Internet Day Working Group has created a survey. With this study, we seek to discover how librarians around the world contribute to making the internet a safer and better place for children and young adults. Results from this survey will be used to develop a tool to raise awareness and share best practices with the wider IFLA community and the library field.

Our survey should not take you more than 20 minutes to fill out. Thank you so much for completing the survey (https://kent.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ac3f02mtbS5og2W).

If you have questions about IFLA and Safer Internet Day, please contact IFLA's Policy and Research Officer, Valensiya Dresvyannikova: valensiya.dresvyannikova@ifla.org

For general questions about the Survey, please contact IFLA's Children and Young Adults' Safer Internet Day Working Group: sid.iflacya@gmail.com

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