naslovnica Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo

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IFLA CPDWL Satellite Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 20-21 August 2019 (10.03.2019)

IFLA CPDWL Satellite Meeting Librarians and information professionals as (pro)motors of change: immersing, including and initiating digital transformation for smart societies will be held 20-21 August 2019 in Zagreb, Croatia.

The IFLA Section for Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) focuses on all aspects of professional development and learning in the workplace and brings together those library and information professionals who are interested in and responsible for developing the skills and expertise needed in a rapidly changing world. This Satellite Meeting represents a collaboration with the Croatian Library Association (Hrvatsko Knjižničarsko Društvo) to present a forum where ideas about the impact of the digital world on our current and future skillsets can be discussed and shared.


Submittion of papers: 25 February 2019

Notification to Submitters: 18 March 2019

Camera-ready papers: 1 July 2019

Conference dates: 20-21 August 2019